Cr England

by James Hill
(Ozark Al)


I am A convicted felon and I went to prison for less than what the company did to me. I you want to go bankrupt want to lose everything you own go with this company they are liars and crooks and this coming from a ex con mind you. I leased a truck from them for six months not only did I run the miles I was always early and never turned down a load even if you read the fine print you cant make money on their lease program. This is just a few words from someone who paid them for the school learned the ropes the hard way and would advise anyone who is looking for a job that is a felon this company will hire you if they are over 5 years old but be preparred you will get screwed the only thing I got from them was the fact that I can now say I have a years exp. and now I have something to work with.

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Jul 24, 2017
Felon looking to get into training NEW
by: Anonymous

I just got off the phone with SWIFT and unfortunately they turned me down because I have a possession of a stolen vehicle on my record that's 8 years old. They didn't care about my other 2 felonies or several petty misdemeanors. So hearing you say CR ENGLAND will take people with felonies if they're older than 5 years is encouraging. Thank you for the info

Sep 27, 2014
yeah right NEW
by: Anonymous

no details on what happened. nobody will take this seriously. probably just another lazy cry baby. thousands happily drive for them, but they fucked only you.....

Mar 26, 2009
James talks about C.R.England
by: Jimmy

Hey James, thanks for the info. People reading it can take it for what it's worth and draw their own conclusions. Jimmy

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