Covenant Transport Will Give You A Second Chance!

by Ron
(New Jersey)

Im a convicted felon had a charge 14 years old. I had a few local jobs driving tractors but was laid off from shady owner. Then called bck from same Bs& laid off again.

Then drove wit an Owner operator for couple of months but he wouldn't fix his exhaust pipe& didn't want no unnecessary tix from Dot.

Had a spot wit Knight transport did training & all but recruiter didn't run my background & they sent me home & didn't pay me for their mistakes it was disclosed in app had felon conviction .

I kept pushing on 3 major trucking sites& Craigslist. For a month. You are gonna get plenty of call backs & emails once you sign on those sites and they distribute your app to all companys.

But after many conversations Wit recruiters& Saftey depts they All didnt hold "true to that they hire felons if conviction is over 5,7,10 years old.

in my case my conviction was not any they exclude for.they just held nature of it against me. but covenant transport held true to their word over 10 years & you a student or just got license or no experience and you don't have no crazy violations or big issues & be honest
they hire.

you may not like pay or out time. but its a job& stepping stone to starting a cdl career!

plus no raggy or old ass trucks here oldest 4 years most. and they are friendly in Chattanooga Tenn. :-) covenant is the way to go

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Dec 30, 2012
there are a few companys who hire felons NEW
by: Anonymous

CR ENGLAND,SWIFT, whith no training.but the felonys must be 10yrs old.and must have good driving record.for 3yrs preventable,DWI 5yrs.

Dec 30, 2012
I tryed with them NEW
by: Bill Brown

I have been trying to get back into trucking for about a year now. Have tried Covenant and just about everybody else also, but have not had any luck yet. Do you know somebody that I could talk with? Thanks Bill Brown email is

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