Considering Buying a Truck And Becoming O/O with Landstar

by Kathy Schaefer
(Biscoe AR.)

My husband and I have been driving for 12 years together in a semi, the last 2 .5 years on a straight truck, love it, with Land star.

Was thinking of buying our own truck, which is not an easy task, but also afraid of the expense of major break down, have seen what our owners have spent on their trucks, things happen.

Is it really worth getting the 100% of the loads plus expenses or 60% and they pay the repairs. We really don't know which way to go, so many pro's and con's, then again finding a good straight truck worth buying and finding the financing to get it is not at all easy.

If any of you have advice, my e-mail is Love what we do but want money in savings acct. haven't been able to do that yet.

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Mar 13, 2015
Some things for you to consider
by: Hervy

I don't know what has been going to affect you guys but generally speaking, it is important to be in control of your money as an owner operator.

You should have some money set aside for unexpected expenses which WILL eventually occur.

I would say find out why you aren't able to build up a saving now and correct it. Cut out unnecessary spending and make a goal to save up a specific amount before buying.

If you are not able to do this, it is conceivable that with the extra money that you make as owner operator, you will only spend more and still not be able to save. (This is a common trap that people fall into)

Buying a truck, especially used, is definitely a risk. That is just a reality.

As far as deciding on which option to choose with 100% or 60%, you really need to think about how much of the business, side of the operation you want to take on. Neither choice is right or wrong, it depends on the individuals ( or couples) strengths, weaknesses, and willingness to learn and execute what is needed to have a successful and profitable operation.

Weigh what you get in exchange for the difference in the compensation.

Best of luck.

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