Class A truckdriver-female experienced in off road construction driving looking to go over the road.

by donna
(polk county, florida)

I have had my cdl-a with x endorsement since 2004.however i have a felony on my record. currently i am employed in construction.i would love a second chance at life.

I was a R.N. prior to my felony,then obtained my CDL. I didn`t actively pursue a truck driving job until now as my 2 children were young but their grown now. i currently drive an off-road truck in construction for the same company for the last seven years,but with this economy my pay has been cut in half. i am not a job jumper and will work very hard if given a chance.

Please call863-393-3225 if willing to help..and God bless

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Jun 10, 2011
by: TruckerYitz

most recruiters tell you straight up no dui no accidents no more then 3 tickets in past f yrs no more then so many etcc.... so they will tell you straight up no felonies in the past x yrs. some might say 7 yrs some may say 10. etc,,,,

a an easier way may be .., is clicking with an owner operator or team driver who is lead seat and getting in the door that way.

now when i say owner operater, be strong and dont get walked all over cause you have a record or hard time getting a solo driver spot. but one truck - 5 truck operations can get away with stuff that the big companies cant afford to and the small guys cant give the benefits that the big companies haves so they have to take some drivers rthat the big ones wont touch.

good luck. and ever thought of getting your own truck and finding your own frieght, and learning the buisness fro m the ropes and upwards?

Jun 08, 2011
old bones
by: Rolly Polly

If I'm not mistaken, once the felony is so many years old & you're not still on probation they will work with you. I would try a recruiter & be very specific about what's on your record & what you're needing in a company & they often will be honest if they can or can not find an company that's a good fit.

I believe in second chances & I you deserve a chance to drive. God bless...

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