children riding along on the truck


I have a one year old whose father drives. I'm very concerned if something were to happen. I hear it depends on the company, but wondering how do I go about finding out whether or not this is allowed?

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Mar 30, 2015
Trucker with a 7 year old daughter.
by: Aaron

I'm a 35 year old driver, and my company does allow me to bring her with me. If the specific run allows a passenger, they have no problem, helping to accommodate my single father status. Of course, certain sites won't allow that sort of thing, but for the most part, no concerns.

Now recently, my ex wife has found out that we occasionally go on drives together, and has called the police regarding it.

**According to the police, a child 50 lbs and under, must be properly secured, via seat belt/booster seat/baby seat.** conveyed to me via text message from my ex.

Not meaning to shatter anyone's dreams, as mine surely were. We have alot of fun on the road, so I'd really REALLY like to find the answer. Does anyone know?? I don't want to assume my ex is right or wrong.

Jan 28, 2015
my 2 year old
by: brandi

my son is two and my husband takes him he loves it

Jun 28, 2014
Can a child ride with Daddy over the road
by: Hervy

One way to find out for sure is for you to search online for the company website. If you don't see the answer there use the contact number there to call their office and find out what the rider policy is. You don't need to say who you are or anything. They probably won't know your husband unless it is a small company that he works for.

The easiest way would be for him to ask the people in the office himself about the rider policy. They will tell him what the requirements are.

Sometimes you have to be a certain age to go. Sometimes you also have to pay a fee. Likely a release form will need to be signed.

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