Chicago recent trucking school grad

by Shneur Z. Zimmerman
(Currently in Michigan)

I just graduated through the State of Illinois this past March. I am PTDI certified. Both of my MVR's have nothing on them. I have no traffic violations, no felonies, no misdemeanors etc.. I have all of the endorsements except for the passenger/bus. I drove, (in the school), during the night as well as a weighted trailer.

I was pre-hired by many Companies, the only problem. I am Jewish, and by Jewish law I cannot work on Friday evenings at sundown through Saturday evenings at sundown. (This is known as the Sabbath). The problem? All of their driver trainer programs are straight through, doesn't matter if it is 2 weeks or 2 months...

I would like to get in contact with an Owner Operator that has a DOT #, and that has a schedule where he / she does not work during the Sabbath period. I am willing to move out to wherever you are located, as well as drive to wherever you go. I am willing to get minimal pay, (with a one year contract, if needed).

I did not go into trucking to make loads of money, I did it because I love driving. Yes everyone has to make a living, but at this point in time, because I can't start with the Companies, I am willing to get minimal pay, so that I can gain a year or two of experience.

It doesn't matter if you drive local, OTR, regional, dedicated etc. As long as I don't have to work on the Sabbath.

I am clean, responsible, caring, simple..

If anyone knows of anything Please don't hesitate to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.

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Apr 11, 2013
shomer shabbas NEW
by: trucker yitz

call me 347 9489411

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