CDL Driver seeking job

by prentiss walters

hi I have not Driven a truck in Eight year..Jst want to get time back under my belt

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Nov 16, 2015
Best of luck NEW
by: Anonymous

Give Celadon/Quality Drivers in Indianapolis Indiana a call. Ask for Wendy Peace in recruiting. They will put u through refresher course and then u will have to pass the Celadon backing (90 degree backing) and driving test (watch speed and of go through 2 school zones..1 school zone sign is hidden behind a Bush where can't see it) in order to go to orientation. They provide hotel and 3 meals a day. I went to them back in may 2015 I was disqualified half way through orientation but they were still great on things and I am working on things so to be able to get go back to retry get on with them.

Larry W. Bryant
Spring Hope, NC

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