Can't Remember 1 time when someone was rude to me.

by Jodi
(Blackfoot Idaho)

My first time on this blog, would sure like to meet "Gene". What she said about acting like lady you will be treated like one is so true.

I have driven for over 20 yrs and I can not remember one time when someone was rude to me. I certainly also agree about the CB, however the worst people I have heard were women.

Maybe they think they have to do that to be accepted, or maybe they would have just have been "potty mouths" anyway. I drove team with my husband for over 20 yrs, he passed away in April 2016. Thought I could make it with out my trucking income but after 9 mos I realize I am going to go back to driving.

My age {74} doesn't seem to matter to the trucking companies. I have several Safety Awards from two major companies, maybe that makes a difference. I would like to team with someone. not sure how to do this with out knowing someone for an extended time. anyway, thanks for this blog opportunity. Jodi

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Jan 16, 2017
Positive Experience as a Lady Trucker
by: Hervy

Thanks so much for sharing Jodi. When I first started hearing women with these horror stories, I knew there was another side just because I know how I treated women and how I saw other drivers treating women in the truck stop.

Sure there were some idiots on the CB but the kindness compared to the idiots was very much on the side of kindness.

Glad that you had a positive experience and decided to share it.

Of course the negative gets out louder than your story and it makes all of the guys and trucking industry overall look very bad.

Best of luck.

If I had kept Gene's information I would put her in touch with you but I didn't.

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