Can I trust a trucker?


Hello everyone,

First I want to say that having read through a few blogs I am surprised of how open and honest you all are on here. I read some really wonderful stories and some not so good. It pretty much sounds like life anywhere you go, right?
So, I have a few questions because I have never dated a truck driver before. I have been talking to someone for the past month and a half now. He makes me laugh and gives me lots of attention with texts, emails and calls nearly every day. He is very handsome and we seem to get each other. He says all the things a woman wants to hear but I guess I am scared to make it a serious relationship.
I am a single mother and very protective of that fact. I am independent and have been single for some time now. I really do like him but not sure whether to pursue this. So, my question is to all of you trucker girlfriends and or wives... Can I trust him and trust what he says to me and what he wants to do in the future? What red flags should I look for? What questions should I be asking him?
Any advice would be appreciated.


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Nov 07, 2011
can I trust a trucker
by: Anonymous

Not If his name is Scott Curtis... He drives a red & white kenworth with RGN trailer(flatbed/step deck) out of Abilene,kansas. He is 6ft 3or4in tall. 300lbs. White. Blue eyes. Bald except in winter than grows beard, mustash,hair on sides & back of his head bald on top. Very hairy body.Tattoos, a few on both arms. 38yrs old. Wears a bright orange nebraska huskers ball cap or a black cowboy hat. He is a smooth talker, says all the right things, makes you feel special.He cheats on & abuses his disabled partner of many yrs. He goes to indianapolis alot, & many other places. picks up & delivers lots of farm equipment & machinery.He preys on woman. If you see him steer clear. She(his fiance, he jilted on wedding day a wk ago for another woman, then he comes back to take it out on her for calling him cause she was worried.He refuses to talk to her to punish her for caring)she was once a independent healthy woman until she meet him,he ruined her life, but keeps her believing he is sorry & loves her. He hurts kids. He lies about things he has & did. Its time to stop men like him, he is what gives decent truckers a bad name. If you think its him but are not sure ask for his license. He also wears shits that say things some women would find offensive.

Nov 07, 2011
Can you trust a trucker??
by: Mattie

I, have been with my fiance(a trucker with 17+ yrs on the road),for 6 yrs. I was a truck stop waitress when we met,but he is the 1st&hopefully last trucker for me.He sat in my section for 8+ hrs to talk to me. We had coffee & talked till dawn,I wasnt sure I'd see him again but we exchanged phone#'s,anyway.He called the next day.We talked on the phone&texted for months.When he came into town it made the wait worth it.I worked 2 jobs & was buzy all the time between my kids & work.4 months after we met,I moved to 2000 miles from home,so he could see his kids every 14days,& still be with me.It was a nightmare at first, his ex, his kids & his family made sure of that.My kids & I wanted to run but my fiance begged us stay, blinded by love I did. Not knowing anyone or my way around was hard at 1st.It was also hard sharing the 34-48hrs every 14 days he was home with others,stealing alone time with him was very hard on a new relationship. That wasn't a issue before I moved.I became 100%disabled 18months into our relationship.I was devistated. Stress is high on both ends.Its hard to hug or be held by a phone,even though I know he loves me. My fiance is a great provider, but it was not always the case. There were times the miles were not there or a company went under,he got hurt & money was scarce except for my income, but now he has a great pay & miles,Knock on wood it stays that way. Time apart has caused me to doubt him .A truckers life is hard on your kids too.Ask your kids before you make such a life altering choice, you can never be too careful.The first time my fiance spanked my son,I flipped out.Be sure before you decide to commit to a serious relationship,he is good with your kids.My fiance has a temper because he is so stressed from the road,we bicker alot.Things change.Its a team effort to live with a trucker.I am here for the long haul. You have to be as stubborn as he is, be able to leave your pasts in the past,try not to accuse without solid proof & digg deep for tolerance & understanding.It is worth it.But getting to the point of realizing it is worth it,thats the hard part.I have endured alot I never knew I could till I met my fiance. Truckers are a different breed. They ask very little. A clean home, a hot home cooked meal, time to relax, you to look sexy when he gets home & above all make him happy in the bedroom even when it feels like"the honeymoons over"syndrome is present more & more. Its what keeps him coming home. Im a terrible housekeeper but I still try, I just have to remember, his life is not easy & the sacrifices he makes each day to give us a nice life in today economy.Little things mean the most.Find common interests.So what if you dont like football,try to like it,bring hearty snacks,its time spent with him. Whats 1 season a yr?

Nov 07, 2011
Can you trust a trucker??
by: Mattie

I, have been with my fiance(a trucker with 17+ yrs on the road),for 6 yrs. I was a truck stop waitress when we met,but he is the 1st&hopefully last trucker for me.He sat in my section for 8+ hrs to talk to me. We had coffee & talked till dawn,I wasnt sure I'd see him again but we exchanged phone#'s,anyway.He called the next day.We talked on the phone&texted for months.When he came into town it made the wait worth it.I worked 2 jobs & was buzy all the time between my kids & work.4 months after we met,I moved to 2000 miles from home,so he could see his kids every 14days,& still be with me.It was a nightmare at first, his ex, his kids & his family made sure of that.My kids & I wanted to run but my fiance begged us stay, blinded by love I did. Not knowing anyone or my way around was hard at 1st.It was also hard sharing the 34-48hrs every 14 days he was home with others,stealing alone time with him was very hard on a new relationship. That wasn't a issue before I moved.I became 100%disabled 18months into our relationship.I was devistated. Stress is high on both ends.Its hard to hug or be held by a phone,even though I know he loves me. My fiance is a great provider, but it was not always the case. There were times the miles were not there or a company went under,he got hurt & money was scarce except for my income, but now he has a great pay & miles,Knock on wood it stays that way. Time apart has caused me to doubt him .A truckers life is hard on your kids too.Ask your kids before you make such a life altering choice, you can never be too careful.The first time my fiance spanked my son,I flipped out.Be sure before you decide to commit to a serious relationship,he is good with your kids.My fiance has a temper because he is so stressed from the road,we bicker alot.Things change.Its a team effort to live with a trucker.I am here for the long haul. You have to be as stubborn as he is, be able to leave your pasts in the past,try not to accuse without solid proof & digg deep for tolerance & understanding.It is worth it.But getting to the point of realizing it is worth it,thats the hard part.I have endured alot I never knew I could till I met my fiance. Truckers are a different breed. They ask very little. A clean home, a hot home cooked meal, time to relax, you to look sexy when he gets home & above all make him happy in the bedroom even when it feels like"the honeymoons over"syndrome is present more & more. Its what keeps him coming home. Im a terrible housekeeper but I still try, I just have to remember, his life is not easy & the sacrifices he makes each day to give us a nice life in today economy.Little things mean the most.Find common interests.So what if you dont like football,try to like it,bring hearty snacks,its time spent with him. Whats 1 season a yr?

Aug 09, 2011
Can U Trust a Trucker
by: Anonymous

It's a tough life for both the one on the road and the one at home. I dated a guy for a short time. He spent Christmas at my house and New Years. Every morning I received a wakeup call “morning sweetie" and text during the day calls at night. The sad truth I think he just wanted a place shake up on his off days. I noticed he guarded his cell a bit too much. I just found out he moved to another state with a woman he just met in April. Three weeks after we split. The question is can you trust a trucker. Can he trust himself? Would I do it again? No way not worth it.

Jul 19, 2011
depends on the trucker! lol
by: Laura

My trucker and I started out our relationship over the phone and texting too. Try not to be scared off too much by some of what you read. I was a single mom as well. I found getting to know him over the phone for 3 weeks before actually meeting face to face was the best thing for us both. I was already fairly independent after being on my own for a couple of years - and I still get to enjoy that independence even though we are now together. Turned out great for me!! Not saying every day is lollipops and sunshine - but it's been pretty good!

Jun 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

i have been with a truckdriver for years and i only get to see him for afew days every two months sometime three months we live in maine and he drives from out of florida but now all he wants to do is go be with is family and if i want sexs i have to bag him i do feel he is seeing someone one out there and it breaks my heart cause i love him and he keeps telling me that he isnt

May 20, 2011
can i trust a trucker
by: gearjammers wife

first make sure hes not husband is a trucker and i trust him but there are days when they make you wonder we live in upstate ny and his company is out of fl.makes it hard last i saw him was mothers day there are good ones and bad ones so be very careful do some seaching to make sure hes on the up and up with you good luck

May 17, 2011
trust a trucker
by: TruckerYitz

i was a trucker but i aleays am a trucker even if not actually a trucker right now, its a life thing for some. its the cowboy of the usa , the cowboy of the open road, the person that brings stuff to all of us. America stops with out trucks and all that stuff, goes to the heart of the makeup of a long haul trucker. and the reason why some truckers sacrafice so much to be behind the glory of the trips on the road.
now as long as you know that the schedule of your waking hours may be different, as long as you know that what your day was like with kids, friends, co-workers etc, will be totally different then the truckers, DOT, shippers recievers, dispatch(ers), traffic, etc etc.
and it just may not work out to be home for the birthdays and holidays,
but if you can make sure to hop along for a few days here and ther, your relationship will flourish.
remember, the trucker will come intomeeting many drivers, male and female, will meet many waitors and waitresses, many peoplke in the daily back anfd forths. some will become regulars, and friendly too. but as long as you both have a truxt of who is most important to each other. the relationship will flourish.

i wish you the best.

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