Can an older woman get a trucking job?

by santana
(harrisburg pa)

hi I am 58 years old I am a bus driver but my dreams always be a truck driver and little afraid because my age.

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Jan 27, 2017
Community college CDL school.
by: Anonymous

Sometimes the state will pay all or part of the tuition at community colleges.

Ask the guidance counselor at the college.

Jan 27, 2017
Trucking in PA age requirement
by: Anonymous

There is no maximum age for truck drivers. If you can pass a DOT physical you can be a truck driver.Community colleges have the cheapest cdl schools, sometimes around $2,000.00 or less. Some trucking companies will reimburse the tuition to you in monthly installments.

Roehl Transport has their own cdl school in Besalem,PA and pays the students $500.00 to attend their school.

They're the only company that does that.

Jan 27, 2017
Bus driving background will help
by: Hervy

Santana most trucking companies will likely say bus driving won't help but it will help. But it won't count for getting your CDL class A.

I say that because by driving a bus shows you were trusted with valuable lives which exceeds value of freight. You were able to drive in traffic every day, hopefully without incident.

Likely you are responsible and skilled and will easily learn additional skills for going on to the next level.

I think the if you have been staying in good health then you might have a chance at getting a trucking job despite your age.

At the end of the day, there is really only one way to find out for sure. Get your Class A and fill out those applications.

Also, if I were you, I would call a lot some trucking schools and especially your local community college and see if they are aware of trucking companies that hire people at the age.

Also look in your local craigslist and call the smaller trucking companies there and ask if they would hire you. If you haven't looked, you would be surprised at the number of trucking companies that advertise there.

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