C Transprotation - Looking to lease truck on

My name is Wayne. I drove for CR England for 5 year. I was an Lease Operator all 5 yr.. I did not make any money but I learn lot..that's why I stay...

I also was one of there top trainers, training two students at time.. Now that was fun! Me and my wife is buying a good truck..2009 KB with apu on it low mile 420,000 mile.. but we need a company to run under..

I like running for 5 to 6 week at a time. Can you help me out to find a good company..

If you like to call me phone number 760-213-1536

Thank You for the help


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Feb 21, 2017
by: Anonymous

Still looking for a company to work for???

Dec 06, 2012
To lease again
by: Anonymous

Hi Wayne. Interesting problem. Why didn't you make any money with CR..
Looking for a new company? You can best answer your own question. 5 yrs under your belt, You must have talked with other truckers about what their take home pay is like?

ALL of these company"s today are the same.. You'll have to start at the bottom again, no matter how many yrs or miles you have logged. The only help I can offer you is look for the big company's, their the ones that have the most freight to move.

Don't set your time on which you wish to work, A truck that sits won't pay for its self. good luck

Jul 04, 2012
any company better
by: Anonymous

then CR England

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