
by Beth
(Marshfield, WI)

I live in Wisconsin and my boyfriend has been driving for 6 months I'm completely new to this and its very hard for me.

When we first met he told me how he always wanted to be a truck driver then when he got laid off i told him to follow his dreams and do what he wanted. I'm so happy he did. Its been a huge change and challenge for use considering we spent every waking hour together before he started driving but we are handling and it has made us stronger and more appreciative of each other.

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Jun 01, 2011
Welcome to the trucking lifestyle as a truckers wife
by: Hervy

Welcome aboard Bucky, sounds like you and hubby are pretty well grounded in your relationship to be able to take it.

Just stay ahead of the dangers. Keep the communication going and stay involved with each others affairs so you won't grow apart.

Best wishes,

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