Bringing Wife Along

by Kevin
(Fort worth, TX, USA)

What permit or letter does my company driver need from the company in order to bring his non driving wife along on hauls?

He was asked for one by a DOT officer and we had no idea he required one.

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Sep 03, 2013
Been on many rides
by: Anonymous

As recently as last week....My hubby has never been asked for permission from company and when we have been pulled over DOT has never requested any documents for me being in the truck??

His brother went with him for three months straight and DOT never asked for documents for being in the truck either??

I dont know if it is because he is an independent driver or not though??

Sep 02, 2013
Paperword a trucking company need in order to let driver take wife
by: Hervy

Kevin, I am sure the DOT just wanted to make sure she was authorized to be in the truck.

At the companies that I worked for one had an actual document that stated we got as a driver which was a release of liability in the event that something happened.

The other company gave drivers nothing but we did have to pay a small fee.

Your insurance company might require some special procedures for your drivers to have riders. To be sure about any specific documentation that the DOT was looking for I would call the DOT.

Like I said, when I was out on the road, there was no official document that we carried for them. The passenger just needed to be authorized by the trucking company to be in the truck.

There were several occasions that the DOT called back to the company to ask if my passenger was authorized.

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