Bravo to your website

by grady
(hanford ca)

I would like to thank you Hervy for the informative information u have compiled. You've got it all covered my brotha. It's a good thing to see sombody take an interest in trying to help out drivers.

When i started 23yrs ago this was nearly non exsitant and we were sort of hit and miss finding out stuff from whoever was willing to talk to u.

I've been off the road for about a yr now due to medical reasons when I drove. I have no regrets even though I had many up's and downs bounced around many companys big and small -those yrs i learned attitude is everything and preperation will take u as far as u want to go.

That is the message that I want to pass on to new drivers so they can avoid some of the nightmares i went through that could have been avoided had i done more on my part.

I love trucking with a pasion and you get back what u put in to it. You have inspired me to start writing about trucking and how new drivers can have a good expeirence by avoiding some of the pit falls as you have done a excellent job of.

I have a lot of insight on this industry. Driven every where many strange and hairy situations. I can pass on to new guys&gals to avoid.

Keep up the great work my brotha. Give me some info on starting a web page man!

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