
by beverly ball
(belleville mi)

iam 51 and been dating a trucker four years now and it not getting any easier ... and it don't help knowing he has already cheated on me and i moved up for him and don't know anyone up here to get out of the house ...

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Apr 21, 2014
by: Anonymous

i know i feel the same way ... but like i tell him if you are dont be here ... i dont need it are wat it ....

Apr 21, 2014
I know how you feel
by: June Barefoot

My husband of almost 13yrs just became a trucker. He cheated on me for almost a year before I found out about it and still cheated for few months after I found out about it.we almost divorced over it. I a lot of times feel that he is messing around while he is OTR. I try my best to have faith in him because how much I love him.

Feb 15, 2014
I know how you feel
by: Anonymous husband is an OTR driver...he was only home 11 days in a year...I found out that he had a woman in the truck with him during one of his inspections....he has left me twice an is just a jerk that tells me he loves me...whatever

Jan 31, 2013
by: beverly

it would be nice to know who is commenting .... thing are ok but it hard to deal with sometime

Jan 31, 2013
thank you
by: Anonymous

it good wen hes home. but there times that we just stay home and iam home 24/7 now that i dont work do to my back . thank you for your time ill chat more later Beverly

Jan 31, 2013
thank you
by: Anonymous

it good wen hes home. but there times that we just stay home and iam home 24/7 now that i dont work do to my back . thank you for your time ill chat more later Beverly

Jan 30, 2013
Time to put yourself first?
by: Anonymous

Sorry to hear you're going through a tough time, Beverly. My husband and I have been together for 10 years and he just started driving about a year ago. It caused a complete upheaval in our relationship and like you, I find it hard to always trust him since he was unfaithful in the past. I'm pretty much alone all the time, too, except for work and would probably go mad if I didn't have my job.

I don't know how the other aspects of your relationship are going, but there have been many times I've considered leaving. This is not the life I signed up for and I deserve better. We agreed it would only be a short-term situation, so I'm trying to hang in there for now.

Being the wife/girlfriend of a trucker (especially OTR) isn't easy and I wish I knew how to make it better for you. I assume his career choice won't be changing anytime soon? If that's the case, perhaps it's time to put yourself first and make some changes in your own life. Easier said than done, I know, but sometimes we just have to make that jump.

I wish you the best of luck!

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