backing up a truck

Backing in tight places

Backing in tight places

My worry is backing the trailer in difficult places or really just backing up at all!

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Feb 03, 2017
Keep practicing during training
by: Hervy

Don't worry, you will have time to practice during school and then with trainer at trucking company. Get all your practice then.

After going solo practice every evening at empty truck parking lot for an hour.

When you deliver and doc, pull up and do it a few extra times, unless they are waiting on you to load or unload.

You will get better and better.

Also, pay attention to your surroundings as you enter suspect places. This will help you greatly to avoid places you shouldn't be in. Pay attention to signs and use common sense.

Always be looking for an out in case you have to pull over as well, when you are entering tight places or neighborhoods.

Oct 03, 2015
3 rules for all backing
by: J.W.

1. Cut of all distractions CB, Radio, Phones, etc.

2. get out and look as much as you need.

3. I think the most important thing you can do is

Oct 18, 2008
Keep on
by: Keith

Lol what Hervy said is true,lol i remember when i first started too and i remember seeing a situation and thinking,there is no way im getting this big thing in there. Usually i got it in there with many attempts but looking back and going back to the same places again i look and think,wow,why did it worry me.

It all comes with practice,and like Hervy says,if ya get a chance,practice more and more.

Dont worry what drivers around you say on the radio,lol cause they will give ya a ration of chit,but just practice cause the only one ya got to worry about is you lol.

Oct 15, 2008
Well worry not my friend
by: The Crazy Trucker

Jennifer really stated some good points

I just want to co sign on the fact that, the more you do it the easier it will get. Your judgement will become more accurate.

To speed up the perfection of your backing skills, sneak in a little extra practice when you can.

When you get to a dock that you will have to wait your turn to actually get unloaded, pull up after docking and do it again. (Only do it in very low traffic shippers and receivers and don't tell them I told you to do it :-)

Also, when you go to the truck stop early in the evening before the sun is down, go to the open part of the parking lot and park several times in the parking space. It is not the same as a dock but it still helps you to better your judgment when you attempt to get it within the space.

Number one advice. Get Out And Look.

Whenever you are backing, don't feel embarrassed at all.

No matter how many times you need to get out and walk to the back to get a closeup of how things are going, get out and look.

Even if the line of trucks waiting on you are circled around the truck stop and they are talking junk on the radio, forget about it. Pay no attention to those clowns. Get out and look.

Better safe than sorry.

All of us start out that way.


Oct 14, 2008
I heard the same thing from my husband
by: Jennifer Schnittker

Not that I Think it is similar to you. However, my husband just started driving in December of 07. I cannot tell you the countless times that he cursed, got frustrated, and went right back at it. Now, I can say, I watch him back it into corners, alley's, and places that I dont think a Volkswagon Bug should go.

One thing I kept telling him, I will tell you as well is this- Your faith in yourself does NOT equal your ability. Trust yourself, and keep trying. Eventually that "hidey hole" that drove you nuts and you had to try 20 times to get into, you will hit the first time and smile-- saying "I remember when".

Keep your chin up--and above all, believe in your ability-but do not get a big head. Keep safe.....


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