Baby In The Truck

by Marianne
(Washington State)

My husband and I both drove truck together until I got pregnant. When we found out we were expecting he got a local job and I stayed at home. Well the baby is two months old and he lost his local job and has had to go back out over the road.

He called me today and said there was a couple at the truck stop with a baby, probably four months old. We've joked before about taking baby on the road, but now he's wanting me to seriously consider it!

Not that I think it would be difficult to have her in the truck, but I'm worried about the safety aspect of it. Has anyone ever taken their baby in the truck or known someone who did?

Anything on the subject would be appreciated, links, stories (first or second hand), laws, opinions, anything.

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Aug 28, 2014
Kids NEW
by: Anonymous

I have traveled many years over the road with my children, when my 2nd came along it led to me staying home more because he had colic and digestive issues. But it was great that our kids got to see and explore place that most kids would dream about. They would get many special treat from places we would deliver. We really enjoyed it. We now have 3 and my oldest is in 2nd grade this year so I am home most of the time except for a few trips over the summer or holidays. But I would never trade those years we could be with him for anything. Lots of great memories!! And quality family time. I do know you have to have a car seat along for each child. We have been pulled over/dot. Many times and never had an issue, they really are more interested in finding something wrong with the truck or a log violation. I say go for it!!!! Do it while you can. :-)

Jun 03, 2013
baby on board NEW
by: Anonymous

I know someone who has their baby with them. They talked to their company safety department to get the rules.

Jun 03, 2013
baby on board NEW
by: Anonymous

I know someone who has their baby with them. They talked to their company safety department to get the rules.

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