Baby girl 2448 (Dudley's girl)

by Samantha

I am a Trucker's hubby wanted to so bad be a trucker most of his life. I supported him to pursue his dreams while I was going to school to pursue mine.

With as busy as I am taking care of my daughter and school and work him being on the is actually a benefit for our relationship.

Yes, I miss him around but at the same time it gives both of us our Independence. I support him just as much as he supports me. It works for us right now.

It's been almost 2 years. It use to bother me when he left after his restart from home but now I have adjusted that he will be back in X amount of time.

My story is kinda mellow and dirt as of right now but it's my story.

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May 14, 2014
wonderful NEW
by: Balliet

Hello Baby girl 2448
I was excited to read your story. My husband
has been driving a little over a year now. I have two boys from a previous marriage who are 13 & 11, so they keep me busy when they aren't with their dad who is active in their life. I do gave a full time job and do some volunteering as well. When my husband left we were not in a good place in our relationship at first it was really hard for me. My friends and family were all supportive. I started looking for some web sites with other truckers wives and that's when I found this place. So many of the stories are sad/mad and venting, so at first I ended up stressing more than I needed. Finally I started creating a more active life for my kids and I. It helped me a lot, now my story sounds a lot like yours. Our relationship continues to grow and a couple and we are growing as individuals. Without my husband driving over the road I dont think thing would be as food as they are now. Thank you for sharing you happy story I hope other new wives find and read your story and believe that you can. Have a strong marriage with a truck driver.

May 13, 2014
Have A Goal To Pursue NEW
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing Samantha. Always nice to hear about a happy couple making it work. May it give hope or even empower other couples.

I always feel it is important to have your own personal goals as a wife, woman, human, to focus on.

I believe it help to bring peace and balance in the mind's thoughts.

Good for yous guys!

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