Assult/domestic violence

by Kelly vincent
(Lorain ohio)

Hi, i have posted here before when i was still in a relationship with a otr trucker the relationship ended july 23,2019.

Unfortunately he was still in my life 😬. On july 22, 2019 he hit me i called the police and he was arrested.

We were togther for 6 1/2 yrs and he has always hit me ive never had him arrested before. I will post pics of the injuries from the last time.

He is fighting the charges saying he didnt hit me no one else was at my house except me and him.

He was givin the chance for a plea deal of guilty to misdemeanor assult, anger management and individual therapy and no aggressive contact with me.

He turned down the plea agreement so we are set to go to a bench trial the beginning of December.

My question is can he still be a trucker with a misdemeanor assult or misdemeanor domestic violence conviction on his record?

He has been with his company for 4 1/2 yrs already.thanks for reading

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Nov 05, 2019
Never Seen a Company State No Domestic Violence
by: Hervy

Hate you are dealing with that but glad your are standing up to him to stop it

As far as I know he can still get a trucking and probably wont have a problem remaining where he is employed.

Dont ever remember seeing a company mention that unless it is felony assault. Then maybe some will hold it against him.

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