Aspiring Writer - Topics Include Driving and Life OTR

by Jake Tully
(Los Angeles, CA, USA)

Hi all,

I'm excited to be embarking on a new career in the trucking industry as well as the driving industry. I'm a recent college grad who has been lucky enough to work in his major (journalism/writing) and who gets to cover a wide swath of topics.

I've seen that many people have found a huge success in the trucking industry, so I'm trying to add that to my resume. I'm working on writing articles that include the lifestyle of truckers, one's life on the road, how to mentally manage driving, an other topics related to a driver's personal life.

My dad was a truck driver, so growing up we got to see him very little. In fact, I would say I hardly know him at all. I wish I could talk to him about his life and some of the issues he faced avoiding coming home, but I haven't spoken to him in some time.

I'm now turning to you good people of the internet - Are there any experiences or tips you wish you could impart on someone so that they may better face the road?

What kind of personal issues do you deal with that you wish the public knew about the industry? I'm mainly looking for ideas and trying to get some insight into truckers.

Thank you,

- JT

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Jul 22, 2016
Great start
by: Anonymous


Thanks so much. These two articles really help out.

Any other drivers want to sound off? I'd love to hear from you!

- JT

Jul 21, 2016
Lessons and tips from experiences over the road trucking
by: Hervy

JT, there is all kinds of information here that come what the questions you present.

Start with

advantages and disadvantages of being a trucker

New driver tips

Pretty much all of the information on these pages and links from these pages tells you what the problems are and how to avoid or escape them.

Depends on if you want to know about relationships, health, people you will be working with, scenarios you are likely to face, time away from home, etc. Plus the attitude you will need for success.

All of that can be found from those two pages.

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