Arrow trucking in Tulsa

by Dap
(Detroit, MI)

10 They are a flatbed company, gave me a chance in 2005 and I have a great deal of felonies.

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Feb 04, 2013
flatbed company
by: O/O trucking company

A bit of a heads up.
I was running with a lot of Arrow drivers back in the day before they closed up shop and left drivers high and dry.

Look at truck stops for owner operators, ask questions get names and numbers. You never know if the one you happen to think is not looking for a driver. Just happens to be looking to replace a driver or put a guy in a truck.

I had two the other day ask me do my name and number. When I'm ready I will call both.

And both told me up front they have felonies.

Good luck keep on trucking

Dec 27, 2012
Arrow gone.
by: Jimmy

Arrow went out of business Dec. '09. Left many a driver stranded. Jimmy

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