Are there any fellow truckers out there that work in the same company as my Fiance?

Just want to know if there are any Truck Drivers that work in the same trucking company as my Fiance and if you may even know him. I meet like 2 other fellow truckers in person at a TA truck stop on one of our road trips together but would like to know others too :) His company is HUNT Transportation. Stationed in Omaha Nebraska....

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May 21, 2009
Mistaken Identity
by: Anonymous

Ummm nope it isn't a "continuation" of some other question. Just my own thoughts here! :)

May 19, 2009
Maybe he's gone
by: Anonymous

isn't this a continuation of the post where he hasn't been heard from? Maybe he's gone? I personally can not fathom a guy leaving a loving woman for a life on the road alone but you should think about your relationship. If he hasn't contacted you---- let him be. Move on. If the boy cannot communicate now what kind of future would you have?

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