Applying to KLLM - need some info first

Trying to choose the right trucking company is tough enough as it is and now they've added more stress to it with the potential of a hair follicle test. had a death of someone close to me 3 weeks ago, too un-prescribed sedative to get some much needed rest. Now i am considering apply to kllm. i came to this forum hoping & praying to get the answers to two question:

Does KLLM do hair follicle testing? The information you provide me must be correct otherwise my driving career could pay the price.
Can anyone share their knowledge and experience of driving for them?

Please help

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Jul 13, 2018
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Do you need a high-school diploma or GED to attend these classes? Do they require a level of education?

Jul 13, 2018
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Do you need a high-school diploma or GED to attend these classes? Do they require a level of education?

Mar 22, 2017
Nope NEW
by: Anonymous

Urine only. Im not 100 percent sure but if you have or had a hostory of failing they will hair test you.

Mar 06, 2017
urine test NEW
by: Anonymous

Urine only when I was there.

Sep 19, 2015
Bestof luck
by: Anonymous

If want info on kllm... Go to YouTube and do search on kllm..they have drivers who do things on there.

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