Any trucking companies hiring people with old sex offense charges?

by DCR

I have my CDL and all endorsements since February 2017. I live in Oregon.My SO offense is 20 years old. Swift and Snider wouldn't touch me.

The recruiter from CRST said my felony wouldn't be a problem since it was so old. I went to orientation for CRST in southern California. I got a text from my recruiter the first day of orientation. He said CRST bought me a bus ticket to go home. All I got from CRST was a 25 hour bus ride home. I applied to US Express but haven't heard back.

I've been waiting a month to hear from CR England. My recruiter from CR England asked for lots of information to send to the security department. I haven't heard anything. I called the recruiter once but she didn't have any information to give me.

I've tried a couple smaller local companies but they won't hire me because they have day care on the premises. I don't have a lot of confidence that I will find a trucking company to hire me, even though my offense is 20 years old. Does anyone out there know of any trucking companies that hire sex offenders?

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Aug 24, 2024
RSO It's been hopeless NEW
by: Anonymous

RSO since October 2018. Decided to get CDL in January 2022. Graduated CDL school in October 2023. Got CDLs in January 2024. Not even the so called Felony Friendly companies will touch me. The background explanation has always been the dagger in most if not all of my endeavors. I wish o would've known how much of a challenge this journey was going to be before i started it. Maybe its worth the fight, or maybe not. It is frustrating for sure!

Aug 24, 2024
RSO It's been hopeless NEW
by: Anonymous

RSO since October 2018. Decided to get CDL in January 2022. Graduated CDL school in October 2023. Got CDLs in January 2024. Not even the so called Felony Friendly companies will touch me. The background explanation has always been the dagger in most if not all of my endeavors. I wish o would've known how much of a challenge this journey was going to be before i started it. Maybe its worth the fight, or maybe not. It is frustrating for sure!

Aug 24, 2024
RSO It's been hopeless
by: Anonymous

RSO since October 2018. Decided to get CDL in January 2022. Graduated CDL school in October 2023. Got CDLs in January 2024. Not even the so called Felony Friendly companies will touch me. The background explanation has always been the dagger in most if not all of my endeavors. I wish o would've known how much of a challenge this journey was going to be before i started it. Maybe its worth the fight, or maybe not. It is frustrating for sure!

Aug 24, 2024
RSO It's been hopeless NEW
by: Anonymous

RSO since 2018. Decided to get CDL in January 2022. Graduated CDL school in October 2023. Got CDLs in January 2024. Not even the so called Felony Friendly companies will touch me. The background explanation has always been the dagger in most if not all of my endeavors. I wish o would've known how much of a challenge this journey was going to be before i started it. Maybe its worth the fight, or maybe not. It is frustrating for sure!

Jul 24, 2024
Why does every one hot their head stuck in their buts
by: Anonymous

I've been in & around the construction, trucking industry for 60 years, I have a 32 year old adult sex crime against me, my time is paid, I've no parole, yall got this stigma that everyone accussed is guilty or a creep. That's cowardly bs. I remember when most truck companies where nothing but outlaws & convicts, since when did the truck industry get so self-righteous and weskminded that it let's insurance companies dictate who they can or can't hire??? I ve lots of miles & exp. Behind me in wide variety of equip. I've been out a year half, got class Acdl w tank endorsement. And 6 Mon trac_traoler reffer behind me current, need a job, you want a driver who takes care of equip, can roll the miles I need a job 80' 100 k per year contact or 417-771-7327 thankyou

Jul 24, 2024
Why does every one hot their head stuck in their buts NEW
by: Anonymous

I've been in & around the construction, trucking industry for 60 years, I have a 32 year old adult sex crime against me, my time is paid, I've no parole, yall got this stigma that everyone accussed is guilty or a creep. That's cowardly bs. I remember when most truck companies where nothing but outlaws & convicts, since when did the truck industry get so self-righteous and weskminded that it let's insurance companies dictate who they can or can't hire??? I ve lots of miles & exp. Behind me in wide variety of equip. I've been out a year half, got class Acdl w tank endorsement. And 6 Mon trac_traoler reffer behind me current, need a job, you want a driver who takes care of equip, can roll the miles I need a job 80' 100 k per year contact or 417-771-7327 thankyou

Jun 27, 2024
Butler will hire NEW
by: Anonymous

Butler hires SO's with old offenses. I believe they have to be 15 to 20 years old or older on a criminal record.

Jun 20, 2024
No company will hire RSO NEW
by: Anonymous

My conviction is 27 years old and I just recently got my class A CDL, Ive applied everywhere and still nothing. Honestly, No truck company will hire RSO> If you have to register then don't bother with a CDL. its a waste of time and money. The common response is RSO is too high of a liability. Not even second chance companies will look at you. People like us should seriously consider suicide because we can't survive in a judgmental society.

Jun 20, 2024
No company will hire RSO NEW
by: Anonymous

My conviction is 27 years old and I just recently got my class A CDL, Ive applied everywhere and still nothing. Honestly, No truck company will hire RSO> If you have to register then don't bother with a CDL. its a waste of time and money. The common response is RSO is too high of a liability. Not even second chance companies will look at you. People like us should seriously consider suicide because we can't survive in a judgmental society.

Feb 06, 2024
Sex offender NEW
by: Anonymous

I been applying for any driving jobs and keep getting rejected and only one company that was a non CDL job said it was because of my sex offender status.. doesn't matter if it was 23 years old offense no company will look at me because of it

Jan 03, 2024
Currently in Truck driving school
by: Anonymous

I'm a sex offender 43 year old conviction is over 20 years Im looking for a trucking career once I graduate. I haven't had problems with getting work but trucking is different I'm really need help in this field and I have good work history I been on my job about 7 years and I told them about it. Please can someone help me or point me in the right direction.

Apr 10, 2018
Give me a Try NEW
by: Sam

Hello, Read your post and wanted to reach out to you. Please email me so that I can send you the link to our application. Please email me your contact info to:

Looking forward to hearing form you soon !!

Nov 16, 2017
crst waste of time and money NEW
by: Anonymous

same thing happened to me with crst in jacksonville florida

Jul 31, 2017
bst NEW
by: Anonymous

bst london ohio

May 10, 2017
Sex offenders. NEW
by: Anonymous

Try these:
Carolina Cargo
Carolina Logistics
North American Midway Entertainment-Miami,FL
May Trucking Company
Eagle KMC Transportation
Sunset Logistics (
Sweet Express
The Real Express
Also try a couple dozen places on Craigslist "Transportation".

May 09, 2017
the problem for sex offenders is trucking is this NEW
by: Anonymous

you have bed in a vehicle that is mobile.

see why this may be a problem?

May 08, 2017
Gett8ng hired with SO charge
by: Hervy

Yes there are some companies that will hire with that being so old. One thing they will look at is your history since then. If you attended any type of personal development program or gave back to the community or training be sure to let that be known.

They want to be sure you are not the same person. Remember they dont know you.

Keep searching companies. Good luck.

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