Am I stuck now on leasing this truck

I have least a truck thru Quality truck leasing my truck has been in the shop a lot. I have been in and accident 1st time out of 10 years my fault. my truck got towed my insurance deductible is five grand I don't have the money the trucking company will not help and quality will not help.

Would walking away b the best way to handle this? it is a walk away least

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Jun 06, 2016
Dont let go
by: Ej

Don't let your truck go due to traffic tickets. I Started a company and that will be able to help you. We have a service for truckers. We help with driver license protection, existing tickets, new tickets,moving violations and more. You can use the same benefits for your own personal vehicle. Anyone needs this service and its an emergency, Cdl coverage and it less than $50 a month. Email me Elle I will keep you rolling....

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