All he wants to do is hang with his friends when he is home

by Lynn

Me and my boyfriend have been together 15 months now we are also 15 years apart in age him 24 and me 39. He got his CDl in June and has been doing Otr driving ever since he's on the road for a month and then comes home for 3 days.

I'm frustrated because when he is home I'm lucky if I see him 1 day out of the 3 he is home all he wants to do is hang with his friends.

I don't no if I should stay with him or just move on or is this normal for someone his age

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Mar 18, 2015
well its one of two things
by: Anonymous

One Your A Piece Of Ass OR
he Is Gay Either Way

Mar 17, 2015
by: Anonymous

well, what were you doing when you were 24 years old?

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