Abandonment threat

by Don
(Willard )

I'm sitting here at a truck stop in a company truck I turned down a load it wasn't safe to me so they shut off my fuel card now I'm being threatened with abandonment what should I do I'm scared to leave the truck

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Nov 11, 2023
What Do You Mean
by: The Crazy Trucker

What do you mean scared to leave the truck. Have you left out part of the story?

You have not abandoned the truck just because you refused a load.

But what was the unsafe part?
Is the truck not safe?
Is it that you would have been driving tired?

What makes the load unsafe?

When you say you are afraid of leaving the truck....
are you talking about going into the truck stop?


Are you talking about leaving the truck at the truck stop because you're going home? As in your quitting or something?

If you just want to go in the truck stop, they can charge you with abandoning the truck.

If you are trying to leave the truck there and not take it back to the terminal, yes that is abandonment. You don't want that on your record.

Plus you haven't really said anything that indicates there is an unresolvable issue. What are y'all doing? I don't understand.

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