A Trucker's Life - more interviews with truckers

by BPB Logistics, LLC
(Chicago, IL)

Shalom Ahki: (Peace My Brother) I saw your video with the guy you were interviewing and he is right, COMMUNICATION IS EVERYTHING.

All truckers are not out there messing around on their significant other, they are doing their job. They love what they do. It's a matter of trust and patience. I have no children, but I know there are pressures with being a trucker and having a wife and family.

My boyfriend is a trucker and I know that we need to have faith and trust each other. Calling and texting (sending pictures won't hurt either) are KEY until he comes home again.

In the mean time, we encourage each other and pray for each other. When he's home for the couple of days or weeks, we catch up on home matters, have fun, do some visiting, rest and well, you know the rest LOL!!

P.S. I also like to hear the stories he tells me when he is on the road. I enjoy asking him questions about trucking. He says all the time, that trucking is not just a job and career its a LIFESTYLE.

Keep up the good work. I would like to see more interviews with men and women who are truckers.

Shalom from Chi-Town

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