A letter I recieved

by American Trucker

Inspired by our good friend American Trucker (Carl Smith) and all his inspirational teachings and writings.
You’re trucking friends around the world.

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all the TRUCKERS out there that work day and night. Away from their loved ones, and who give their lives for we can enjoy ours, driving all night while we sleep in our beds .. So people while your cuddling your loved one , think of our truckies all alone out there tired eyes , trying to make their deadline , pushed by the companies , day in day out 365 days a yr .. So as i say if u see a TRUCK DRIVER go up give them a big THANK YOU for the awesome job they do ...

So when you’re driving along the road to work or just to that holiday destination and there’s a truck in front of you just spare a thought for the driver ...Think.... This driver has probably just traveled from another state , most likely tired pushed to the limits , every bone aching in there body , sore knees, legs, back from sitting in that seat for 14hrs plus, the food they eat isn’t like the home cooked meals that they miss while away , the smell of the sweet perfume of their loving wife whom takes on the role of business manager, house keeper, cook , gardener, laundry worker, the counselor, the teacher, the dad, the mum, the lover , long distance relationship , which is the role she takes on marrying a truck driver... So you think of all the sacrifices that are made by that truck driver and his family ... Stand back and look at the whole picture...

Interstate is where you get the whole picture at about 3am in the morning, how big this industry really is and then and only then do you understand the meaning of ..... TRUCKS CARRY THIS COUNTRY.....It’s all you see is trucks thousands of them on the highways, in road houses, at roadside truck stop areas, just pulled up at rest areas ... It’s the most awesome sight you will ever see it makes me PROUD TO BE AMERACAN...

So next time anyone curses or judges our truckies just for a minute think about all the sacrifices they make for our lives are better......

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Aug 21, 2015
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by: Anonymous

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