A different type of highway angel

by Tony
(Bainbridge ga)

4 years ago I was training for swift yeah I know all the stories ppl OK anyways this guy I picked up to train out of ATL from Al for swift went threw the sit down.

I asked him questions and showed him everything you know getting a feel for what type of person he was well ever thing went OK and 4 hours before we shut down at the swift yard to rest and get ready for the next day to haul a Walmart load he tells me that he texted the wrong msg to the wrong person and the girl quit talking to him and he was stressing.

Well I sat down with him guy to guy and told him look you can stress over this one girl or you can lick your wounds get this training over with and make a career out of trucking.

Well after talking with him I laid down in my bed and went to sleep little did I know he was in the top bunk texting her the whole time say watch out for truck so and so heading from ATL to LA with swift. I'm going to kill myself and everyone around me well I woke up the next MORNING started my day told him to get on the bottom bunk while I'm driving.

Went it came his turn he did everything like he needed to do Pre-trip and all we started down the road and he kept riding the white line in the right lane over speeding and I keep telling him you got to stay in the center of the lane the
reason is if you go to the outside lane and ride the yellow dotted line you going to end up hitting someone.

And if you over speed for to long the Qualcomm will peg you well this went on and on until we got near mobile AL I asked him why what is wrong how come you can't keep the truck in the center of the lane? He replied I can't think right he was being distracted by thinking about that girl I told him to pull in the pilot truck stop on I 85 in mobile I need to get this load to another driver I don't have the hours and you can't drive once we stopped.

A msg came over the Qualcomm saying MED hold on student and truck and the home office called me and said take all the keys for the truck and keep student in truck until the AL state police gets there.

I told home office what have you got me into well thanks to that girl she turn in all the text msg that guy told her about killing himself and everyone so long story short even tho I seen the signs and made him pull over.

The girl help saved alot lives 05-09-14 3 days before my birthday and mothers day and yeah I'm lucky to be alive and thank god and wish I could thank that girl.

But it's kinda messed up that you have to think about almost dying on your birthday because of a idiot but I really wish I knew that girl name because she is a different type of highway angel

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May 11, 2018
Great story - thanks for sharing
by: Hervy

Interesting story. Thanks for sharing. Glad that girl had some class. Glad you're safe. And good on you for recognizing that guy's unstableness.

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