9 years of driving experience. Conway SC

by Rodney Clawson
(Conway, SC)

had an accident in Nov 09 my company after 5 years let me go due to the accident now I can not even seem to be able to find anybody to get me back on the road. 9 year vet and one accident and I'm done tell me its not true

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Feb 04, 2010
No, he's not done.
by: Jimmy

It's just more of a challenge. Jimmy

Feb 01, 2010
Rip Off Company
by: Anonymous

I hope They go out of business and you get a better position

Feb 01, 2010
raw deal
by: Anonymous

Every one gets into a fender bender now and then. As long as you were drug and alcohol free and were obeying DOT rules to the road and hours allowed to drive, I think they need to give you a break.

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