30 year team truck drivers need help for daughter

by Sandy Boulanger
(Tok, Alaska)

My husband and I have been team drivers/owner-operators for 30 years out of Alaska to the Lower 48.

We raised our three daughters in a truck for 9 years straight on the Alaska Hwy. I wrote a book called, "Alaska Truckin Boly Girls, Life on the Road."

A country western singer wrote a song about us called, "Truckin Bolys." We have our family home in Tok, Alaska.

Our three daughters are grown and raising families of their own in Tok, Alaska. On Octorber 13th, 2018 our daughters attended a baby shower for our youngest daughter, Julia's first baby.

On October 14, 2018 our oldest daughter was returning from ice fishing and hit black ice. The vehicle rolled and Sierra was ejected from the vehicle.Sierra received a brain injury, stroke, seizure, punctured lung, and multiple fractures.

Sierra's brain swelled and the doctors had to remove her right brain flap to release the swelling. Sierras brain did not stop swelling so the doctors had to install a Shunt. Sierras brain drained and several weeks later the doctors were able to replace the bone flap to her brain.

The stroke parolized her left side. We were transferred to rehab in Spokane WA for two weeks. We are now in Arizona for rehab and doctor care.

Living in Tok, Alaska there are no facilities for our daughters care. Sierra has three children 1, 5, and 7. Sierra still needs 24/7 care as do the children. My husband and I cannot return to work.

This has put a extreme hardship on our family. We are trying to sell our family home on 10 acres in Alaska to assist in the expenses of Sierra and the childrens care.

We have set up a gofundme.com/sierras-story but we are not up on the social media and struggling for exposure to our campaign.

Please assist us in getting the word out to friends and family. We greatly appreciate any assistance.

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