3. Mistaken Idenity

by spinner
(Brinkley Ar.)

I was traveling west on I40 just west of Nashville Tn.I pulled into the left lane to pass a(freight company) truck.When I got up beside the cab I glanced over and the driver was a female who had her boobs out showing them off.They were really nice!

Well we ran like that until one of us needed to change lanes.I would pull in front of her and let whoever to go on by then slow down for her to pass me .She seemed to be really enjoying herself i know i was. this went on for several miles with each of us trying to stay out of the way of other trucks.I had just pulled beside her when i noticed a truck coming up on me pretty fast so i sped up to get out his way and pulled in front of her.

The other truck went on past and i was waiting for her to repeat the pattern we had adopted and sure enough the hood of her truck appeared then the door with the same company logo on it but when i looked over to smile and wave at her what i saw was a bald headed man playing with himself.I was surprised to say the least. I looked every where for another truck from that company but didn't see one but the one with the guy in it.

Freaked me out cause I KNOW that the first driver was totally female and this driver didn't come close.Never have figured out where she could have gotten to in the short time i was in front of her and haven't seen her since. Nor him that i know of. thats ok by me .

Yall have a good day drive safe.

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by: Anonymous

Maybe it was a couple. The guy was in the back of the truck and she was driving. she was setting you up so that they could quickly switch driving and he would be there in the drivers seat jerkin it when you come lookin for some titties

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