23yr now gone

by patty
(milaca, Mn)

sick of sitting by myself, he comes home and I take care of his laundry, cooking and cleaning and send him back on the rd. i know he is doing this to keep us going but I need part of him to ?

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Feb 15, 2012
Me too! NEW
by: Anonymous

26 Years here. I'm sitting right next to you in the same boat. Mulling over the options. Feeling totally disconnected to my hubby. What do I consider the "last straw". Well, last year I saw him 5 times, yep 5. His excuse was always the same..he can't afford it. Then in October he bought a new Harley with a $350 payment. He cannot afford to come home but can afford a new Harley? Totally fed up at this point.

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