19 yr old Attempt Murder Conviction won't let Me work


9/29/1993 I was charged in Chicago Cook Co.IL. with Attempted Murder. 11/30/1994 I was convicted and sentenced 15yrs.

I was released 12/22/2000,served 3 more years on parole and was discharged 12/22/2003.

I have HazMat,Tanker,Double-Tripple endorsements.

Scheinder,Prime,NFI,Vitran,Old Dominion and many others have DQ Me.

TSA says I can HAUL EXPLOSIVES, but companies are afraid to even give Me a job. MAYDAY,MAYDAY,TRUCKER DOWN !!!!!! #A REAL EX FELON with a REAL FELONY

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Mar 26, 2013
Call me I need a driver ASAP NEW
by: Anonymous

9548046746 call me I need a driver

Feb 09, 2013
yep NEW
by: Anonymous

true that, like I said plenty of local work at shipyards in Long Beach and L.A.!! Be home with family a lot more.

Good luck!

Feb 09, 2013
Thanx for the Info. NEW
by: TruckerX

The best thing someone like Me can do is Get My Own Truck w/My Own Authority!

Feb 09, 2013
shipyards NEW
by: Anonymous

Shipyards here in Cali are real good... slow now but when it gets better it will be real good...very good chances of getting hired felon or no felon. Get your own authority and there is plenty of work at the docks, hauling local... Midland Tx. is hiring people like crazy..due to oil boom bet it would get ya in the door for now they need drivers bad or even walmart pays 15.00 an hour..from what I hear even Mc donalds picks people up and drops em back home...

Yep may be time for you to relocate sounds like you will not get to far where your at...

Good Luck!

Feb 09, 2013
Maybe I will move to CA. someday? NEW
by: TruckerX


Feb 09, 2013
Chances of Expunging a VIOLENT Crime in Illinois MISSION IMPOSIBLE a Lawyer told Me. NEW
by: Anonymous

I went to the Cook Co. Clerks Office some time ago and they told Me that I can write a letter to The Governor pleading a Pardon, and that it would take 5yrs or so to be reviewed. (Due to a wiating list) I do find work I guess You can say easily considering My colmplaint. But every job has NO BENEFITS! Straight Cash or personal checks. Money is Good, but NO INSURANCE for The Family. #KeepnMyHeadUp

Feb 08, 2013
maybe true NEW
by: Anonymous

you will never know until you try and what have you got to lose if you did try?

Another option come to California we are basically a parole state...lol..everyone I know gets records expunged here there isnt enough reg. people to fill job spots!!! Good Luck.

Feb 08, 2013
Might as well have 100 Felonies NEW
by: TruckerX

Getting a Violent Case sealed or expunged in Illinois is nothing short if IMPOSSIBLE!
It's all up to the Governor. The Governor has to Pardon Me, and that Ain't gonna happen....

Feb 08, 2013
Expungement can help NEW
by: Anonymous

Go to the court of conviction and get your record expunged for employment purposes. You have enough time in now that you will get this expunged. They hire you quicker than drug addicts or people who steal.

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