10-4 and Im Gone.

by Frederic Harrop
(Hervey Bay.Q.L.D. Australia)

My life as a trucker moving all sorts of freight in New Zealand, Australia and America. Its mostly about the USA trucking scene and things that we do and put up with, bad winter conditions, comical things and about my journeys to other parts of the world.

Also being a musician and the many places I have played at. But most of all the wonderful people I have met and will always treasure, as fond memorys of a life well lived....Frederic Harrop... Now retired in Australia.

The book can be found at Amazon sites, Barnes and Noble and by just putting in "10-4 and Im Gone".

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Apr 26, 2014
10-4 and im Gone NEW
by: Anonymous

A great book, humorous, and great stories from
a world travelled trucker.. Don't miss this one.

Apr 26, 2014
10-4 and im Gone NEW
by: Anonymous

A great book, humorous, and great stories from
a world travelled trucker.. Don't miss this one.

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