10 moths Girlfriend

by Maria

I have been dating a truck driver for almost 10 months now in the beginning he wants to hang out with me all the time.

He never helps me with my bills and always asks me for money until now I haven't met his parents and he doesn't come to see me that often for the last month.

He has the keys of my house but never comes to see me claiming that he is always tired and we both work too much, what make me very angry because I feel that he is been using me ....

I really don't know what to do it hurts too much that I don't have the attention that I need I also the excuses that he always give me when is time to pay the bills. He says that he is staying with his sister hit I can't trust him 😔😔😔

Last time that we spoke about this he said that I need to have patience that he is going to start to help me in December when the things is going start to get better ...

Please tell me what should I do?

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Nov 30, 2016
by: Linda B

If you don't trust him why bother staying with him? The mistrust will only grow.....and FYI, he is so taking advantage of you and that's terrible.....but I'm not sure which is worse....him taking advantage of you or you letting him..been there done that!

...been there with the trust issue, done that. Kick him to the curb and look at it as a lesson....hopefully well learned.

I'm from the school of tough love.....at 60 there isn't much I haven't been through. My husband is an OTR trucker.....trust has to be there. Even before we were married he was helping with almost everything.....

Stop allowing him to take advantage of you.....he has nothing to offer you from what you said.

Nov 30, 2016
Change locks
by: Anonymous

Girl he is a piece of shit

Nov 29, 2016
Be Careful
by: Hervy

Change your locks. Tell him he can keep the key.

Also how serious are you? What are your plans with him? Find out if his plans are the same with you.

Regardless of what he says, you will get a better idea based on how he acts when responding to that question.

In any case, you need to make sure you are comfortable with settling with the type of guy he is showing you he is.

Obviously I don't know the details of what you all are doing however, if you feel you are not getting the attention and he knows you feel this way and you can't see a difference other than excuses then something is wrong.

He has been trucking all of this time and asking you for money seems to be a bad sign as well. I don't think I would do that if I were you.

Bottom line, make careful analysis of the quality of person he is without the emotions. (Don't let the idea of time invested, money invested in him/relationship cause you to justify hanging around. I mention this because women do this often.)

If the guy is poor quality you're better off leaving him yesterday rather than a year from now. You are the only one that can truly judge what type of person he is.

You can help yourself with that analysis by asking him about his vision for you and him for the future. If it is not that serious for you to ask, then you just answered your own question. Get your key back and stop giving him money. Actually change the lock. (get your key back too, just to see what happens, but still change the lock)

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