1 Chance left to pass DOT test... - Need a coaching/practice session

by Laura D.
(Lordsburg NM )

Good morning ladies, I'm in NM, failed 2 DOT tests, 1 left, then I have to wait 1 yr & repay school again. I'd feel way more comfortable if I had a tad more help w/maneuvers, and taking turns w/o hitting curb.

I've got EVERYTHING riding (no pun intended, lol), on passing and getting CDL...I'm so tired of being poor, I have no $ until Im working, I don't want to ask a guy at a truck stop to help out w/no means to pay for fuel/time,etc... nothing's free, every woman on here knows what's expected of me for any guy to help me.

I don't want to do that. I'll sign a promissory note to reimburse for any time/expense for helping me out, if ANYONE is near Lordsburg NM before my scheduled DOT test 11/18/23, and have just 1hr to help. I learned on 10 speed at DACC Community College CDL school, which I graduated.

Thank you for anyone taking the time to read this, have a good rest of your day.

-Laura D.

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Nov 08, 2023
Best of Luck Laura
by: The Crazy Trucker

We wish you the best of luck Laura. What truck driving school did you go to.

Kind of a shame they would make you pay them again.

Meanwhile envision the practice routine in your head.

Studies showed that athletes who practice in their heads even without practicing int he gym performed markedly better on the court!

Of course you need to know the proper adjustments to get the desired outcome to practice well.

Hopefully there is someone near you who can help.

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