would another company hire me if i damaged a trailer?

by Jeffery Jones
(griffith indiana)

Trucking Jobs and Accidents to Trailer

Trucking Jobs and Accidents to Trailer

ok i have been driving trucks for a little over 3 months an recently i damaged my companies trailer by missing a low clearance sign, would any company pick me up an give me another chance to drive?

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Jan 06, 2023
How To Maintain Truck Cab Accessories NEW
by: deruna

Through the analysis of the proportion of truck transportation costs, which is often referred to as the "whole life cycle" of the truck operating calculations. It can be understood that the largest proportion is the fuel cost, and the truck on the configuration of the support, but also can directly affect the later vehicle operation in the performance of fuel consumption. Good configuration is the need for regular maintenance and repair to create maximum value. https://chinaheavytruckparts.com/cab.html

Jan 05, 2023
Getting Hired After A Trucking Accident
by: Hervy

For some companies it will matter how recent that occured. Due to their insurance. For others it won't.

For some it will matter the type of accident. Missing a low clearance sign might be a turn off to many trucking companies but not all.

For some it will depend on the circumstances. I've seen signs poorly place or covered.

However, you still can see if the clearance is so low it should concern you.

Unless there was snow/ice pack that lowered the clearance.

Bottom line is, someone will hire you with that on your record. It might affect you at some trucking companies and keep you from getting a trucking job.

But especially the large companies will hire and certain companies will hire you based on where they run.

If you find difficulty apply at companies that run mostly texas and west. Hard to find low clearance there and that might provide relief to hiring manager who would be concern about you missing another sign.

Keep applying and keep trucking! You'll get hired and be just fine.

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