Working out so far....

by Sarah

I have been with my boyfriend 4 months now and the whole time he has been a trucker. When we first met he was just starting the training. Right now he is only home some times four days a month. I see him maybe one day because he has friends and family and I also have things going on that I can't always drop.

I understand that this is hard for him and I know it is hard for me, but we are both just taking it one step at a time. I have been reading some of the other stories on here and holy cow some are scary!

I am very independent (maybe sometimes more then I should be) and I have decided to enjoy this. I am going to enjoy my time at home by myself, I am going to enjoy the time I have with him.

Right now there is no reason for either one of us to fuss about too much and we plan on keeping it that way. God has brought me to this place in my life where I see that my worries will not change tomorrow, if I don't feel comfortable in a situation then it is not a situation for me.

I really enjoy reading these stories and hearing about other people who are happy with the life they chose.

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Feb 17, 2015
Thank you NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks guys. And for you being not so positive I understand where you might be. Owning from and maybe your were hurt or were the one doing the hurt, but in this situation I do not feel used at all. I have chosen this. Thank you for your concern though.

Jan 26, 2015
knock it off NEW
by: Anonymous

this is to the last 2 posts from "lol" just knock it off and get a life! you must not have much to do if you need to come on here 2 times to write the same thing!! moron...

Jan 25, 2015
lol NEW
by: Anonymous

Your A Piece Of Ass. Think About it

Jan 24, 2015
lol NEW
by: Anonymous

Your A Piece Of Ass. Think About it

Jan 23, 2015
I understand NEW
by: Anonymous

great post! you are very bright and seem to have a handle on things good for you!

Jan 23, 2015
lol NEW
by: Anonymous


Jan 23, 2015
Great Attitude For Life As A Truckers Wife
by: Hervy

Sarah, thanks so much for your insightful, wise and positive thoughts.

I really love that you stated, "I have decided to enjoy this". The idea that you can choose how you plan to frame the situation you are facing is one that I promote feverishly. It is not easily accepted as valid.

I can understand why that is the case for many people. It is not a commonly spreaded idea. Many instead are taught by society or the culture or our own parents (usually unintentionally) to feel victimized, helpless, and blameful of the situation and view it completely (or at least mostly) through a negative lens.

Too often we fail to realize that we have options because we are blinded by the potential worse outcome or negative aspects of the experience. If we took the time to evaluate the experience for what we can use as a lesson, tool, opportunity for growth, it will no longer be something to dread but something to embrace and endure with a pleasant (non affected in other words) attitude.

Having that mind state going through the experience (any experience) will be an asset for making the best out of any situation (that experience in particular). This of course produces the expected outcome.

The mindstate going in produces the expected outcome. Whether the mindstate comes from a place of negativity and expected ruin or positivity with expected growth we get mostly what you expect to get.

I can tell that you and your husband will do just fine and I hope you will continue to share your thoughts not only on this website but all across the universe (or in your daily travels, lol) so that others might possibly be affected by your positive energy.

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