Work place negligence and death

by Kim Dolan
(Weatherdord tx)

My husband was an over-the-road truck driver owner operator he was in Virginia we live in Texas wasn't able to get ahold of him for 3 Days.

Found out he called his job told them that he didn't feel well they told him to lay down they would check on him in a couple hours they never did.

Virginia State Police had to find him 3 days later because they say that they didn't know where he was when he had GPS all through the truck and they were negligent and then call nine-one-one or call me for help.

What can I do to make them pay for this. They took my husband of 30 years he was 50 years old he had a heart attack and he passed away all alone.

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Jun 01, 2017
Sorry For Your Loss
by: Hervy

Sorry about your loss Kim.

Sounds like you need to explain everything to a lawyer. If they think you have some kind of case believe me they will be glad to take it.

Take care of yourself and make sure you are spending some time around people that love and care about you.

I can imagine this is emotionally draining to say the least.

Good luck.

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