Will the company allow me to take a dog over the road

by Carrie

Me and our dog Thunder

Me and our dog Thunder

Hi, my husband is an over the road truck driver. I ride with him at all times. I love it. Love being with him.

My issue is that I am bipolar and having a dog helps with my depression. We have a dog that I would love to bring with us. He would be fully trained and very obedient. It would help me a great deal.

I've even talked with my doctor about training him as an Emotional service dog or what ever it's called. I've looked it up.

Anyway my biggest question is would the company honor that he is a service dog and let him on the truck. I don't mind paying the pet deposit.
The only issue is he is over their weight limit.

The truck is our home!!! We have no other home to go to. When we do go to our home town where family is, we usually stay in the truck at night.
We just go to visit family.

Any way if anyone can give me any feed back on this I would be so grateful!!!!!

Thank you in advance!!!!!

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Jan 30, 2014
Thunder NEW
by: Carrie

Thank you for your comment! Thunder is a Siberian Husky. He is more than family to me!!! He helps me in so many ways!!!!! :)

Jan 30, 2014
Carrying a dog over the road NEW
by: Hervy

Carrie, we can't tell you if your company will accept your reasoning for allowing an exception to their rule.

You might try to make an anonymous call and present the scenario to receive an answer. If it is only a matter of a few pounds you might have a better chance than if they actually only want you to take something like a chihuahua.

Looks like you have beautiful pet but not a small animal. lol.

I understand that a dog can become very much like family though, and you would want to have it come along. Especially if it provides the additional benefit that you described.

What kind of dog is Thunder?

I hope that you are able to get authorization.

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