Will he get fired

by Amber

My husband is a trucker for an LTL company, so he hauls doubles. He just had his first serious accident after 3 years of driving.

He was in the right lane in the expressway doing the speed limit. He saw the semi in front of him hit his brakes and quickly merge into the left lane to avoid hitting a car. My husband saw the car and hit his brakes hard, standing on them, the semi behind my husband merged left to avoid hitting my husband. The car was only doing between 25-35mph in a 65mph zone.

I husband had a 7-8 second gap which was closing fast, he hit the car at about 45mph on their left rear sending them into the ditch. All parties were injured, his semi had minimal damage, the freight was undamaged. He did everything as he was supposed to and my husband was NOT cited. He had no where to go, had proper following distance, and tried to do what he though would save lives.

He's currently on a 3 day suspension while the company investigates and we are terrified that he is going to lose his job. I feel that he did the best thing possible but that doesn't mean the company isn't going to say this wasn't preventable.

In a situation like this, I will say my husband has no accidents that are his fault, never been in trouble with the company, his efficiency is 117% which is above average...

It just terrifies me because rear end collisions usually don't end well..,

What are the chances the company will fire him? Even though he was not cited the company is still very hard I accidents.


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Apr 24, 2014
Fender bender NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband was in a small fender bender with no damage to his truck and a very slight imprint on the vehicle automobile in front of him. He was on the freeway the traffic was at a complete stop his foot accidentally left the break for a second and tapped her car. She said everything was fine but then when her family came she said her neck hurt medics came and did in fact release her no trip to the hospital. He's been with the company for approximately four years and in the business 15 years will he be fired. Ironically he is their most competent driver as well as head of their safety division. Will he be fired?

Oct 16, 2013
by: Anonymous

sounds like all three trucks were following each other to close too fast.you say your husband not cited?

Anytime you rear-end someone you are at fault so for him not to be cited especially driving a cmv is amazing...by the way his job is already gone and he will no doubt be sued personally along with the company so you need to hire a good attorney.

Oct 16, 2013
7-8 secs huh?
by: Anonymous

he will lose his job and most likely his career!
Just from reading your post I call BS in several areas. first you claim LTL in the right lane and doing the speed limit, I say BS I drive all the time and seeing an LTL doing the speed limit i have seen rarely.

They are dangerous i avoid them all the time. they generally are on the phone texting and what have you.

second if he were 7-8 sec(a tenth of mile) behind he would have had no problem stopping. with no need to "stand" on the brakes as you said.

Third truckers are taught to go to the right NOT THE LEFT!!!!!! i was taught to never quickly do anything in a truck especially change lanes!!

I am sorry for you and your husband but it sounds to me that he got himself into a tight situation.
This is why i will not work for LTL companies they must demand a lot from drivers as i always see them in a big hurry always often time on my slow ass!!!!

Oct 16, 2013
I think
by: Anonymous

call an attorney I think they have the best knowledge about situations like this.

You have stated your case clearly but anyone here would just be guessing because each situation is different according to its evidence or facts. good luck.

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