why are there no local companies hiring without experience?

by Driver
(Rhode Island)

I have 9 months of experience but it was 4 years ago driving locally. Now it seems i have to go OTR to get any type of local job. Not sure why that is..

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Nov 18, 2011
why are there no local companies hiring without experience?
by: Driver

Thanks for the info, as of now im scheduled to go otr for 4-6 with a trainer, then hopefully be regional until i can find something around here.

Another option i have is to apply for a local company that is hiring. I already spoke to the terminal manager. I would just need to pass a road test, however its like 2 hrs away so i would need to move.

Not sure if it isn't just easier to go OTR for a few months so that i can say i have recent experience.. i am going with swift, and heard so many horror stories, making me question whether this is the right move in the first place

Nov 18, 2011
I know how you feel
by: Anonymous

My situation is somewhat like yours. I have been out for more than 8 years. I do drive a city bus, but that's still not a truck. Because of that I have had many companies locally turn me down.

It has a lot of what the insurance companies will allow them to do. The insurance carrier requires for them to hire someone with recent OTR or tractor/trailer experience. They have to do this to keep the insurance rates they have. That's what I was told when I was running into the same issue.

However there is other possibilities. Check with the school you attended to get your CDL in the first place. A lot of the schools have life time placement assistance. Another words they can at least give you some leads. I've recently found some local work in my area with agriculture trucking positions.

Good luck out there....Don't give up!

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