Who allows wives to ride along?

by Dena



Do trucking companies allow wives to ride along?

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Apr 23, 2016
Most trucking companies will allow a wife to ride along
by: Anonymous

Whatever you do do not go along without company approval and passenger insurance...

If a driver gets pulled over and you have a passenger that is not another driver, and they will ask.... First thing they will ask for is passenger ID and proof of insurance for THEM.

Apr 23, 2016
Some info on trucking company with rider policy
by: Anonymous

Based on some research and talking on phone with different recruiters:

Swift allows a passenger rider for as long as the application process takes to get approved I was told that it would probably take the amount of time of my first trip but no time was specified, I'm guessing 3 weeks max but don't know if there's other people that can confirm this

Stevens will allow a passenger after the first 60 or 90 days

Apr 23, 2016
Some trucking companies allow passenger riders
by: Hervy

Many trucking companies will allow the driver to take riders with him/her over the road on the truck. Just ask the trucking company that you are interested in, if they have a rider policy.

taking riders with you over the road

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