When your on home time do you have to write HOME in your log book?

by GregsWife
(Los Angeles)

My husband received a ticket in New Mexico for not writing in his log book that he was home for 3 days

The word HOME is that true? he's been driving for 4 years and never had a problem.

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Sep 23, 2010
writing the word home in your log book
by: Hervy

I get DOT all the time for some reason (lol) about 5 times this year already where they checked my log book.

I don't write the words home time when I am at home, i just write off-duty.

As far as I know that is all you have to write because you don't have to be at home to be off duty anyway.

I agree with Jimmy, I would contest this, sounds like a rookie officer or sometimes they will do stuff like this when the person they are dealing with has a smart mouth and an attitude, doesn't make the harassment right but these things do happen.

I think your husband should go to court about it, if there is a court date.

May 09, 2010
Hassled in N.M.
by: Jimmy

Hubby may have omitted some vital info. When you log "off duty", you are allowed to do anything you want and be anywhere you want. That is, you can be in BFE for 2 days hanging around a truck stop, visiting 'Uncle Joe' in Tn, or at home.

You only need to put the city/state where you are logging line 4 (off duty). Now, unless some new rule came into effect in the last 2 years that I am not aware of, hubby needs to contest this ticket and/or look up the violation code. Jimmy

May 09, 2010
by: NickV

Yeah unfortunately its true. You have to have on hand at least the past week I believe. If you home you have to write down you were if it was in that 7 day window.

Not saying he has to do a separate one for each day, you can group it. Where he puts his flags of duties it should look a little something like this. Hope it helps.


05-03-10 to 05-08-10

Lubbock, TX

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