What should I do if I see a female truck driver acting like a lot lizard

What should I do if I see a female truck driver employed by a national carrier posting her phone number in her cab window and inviting men into her truck? Drivers like this give women drivers a bad name.

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Jul 23, 2012
Why do anything?
by: Anonymous

Unless she is attracting dangerous elements or causing a commotion, it's no one's problem but her own.

Jul 22, 2012
TMI!!!!! 18wheeler
by: Anonymous

TMI!!!!!! Keep your business to yourself we do not want to hear about your whoreish adventures!!

Try being a lady for once in your life. You have put it out there so now you have made it our business!! SKANK!!! Go back to your lot lizard lifestyle no one EVEN cares WTF you do!!

Here's "your" definition in the dictionary that's if you have ever read one or ever opened a book up in your life!!!

Skank 7754 up, 2076 down

Derogatory term for a (usually younger) female, implying trashiness or tackiness, lower-class status, poor hygiene, flakiness, and a scrawny, pockmarked sort of ugliness. May also imply promiscuity, but not necessarily. Can apply to any race, but most commonly used to describe white trash.

Jul 22, 2012
What would I do?
by: Lisalee18wheeler

I would do nothing. It's none of my or anyone elses business. I've done this and have expected others to find something else to occupy their time, not sticking their nose where it doesn't belong

Jul 22, 2012
by: Anonymous

Point and laugh. As long as she isn't demanding payment other than getting off there's nothing illegal about her being a whore.

If shes ok with catching something Ajax cant take off more power to her. Suitors be ware! And for the record i am a female trucker. If shes that stupid maybe Darwins Theory will thin out the lemmings that are coming into this industry. Simply put drivers give theirself the reputation they earn.

Jul 21, 2012
by: Anonymous

It's not against the law of our land to belittle yourself, as long as your not breaking the law. Any man that sleeps with this woman, is as nasty as she is.

People are going to do what they want to do, right or wrong, some men, and some women just don't care about the risks they could be taking, when they have sex with strangers, and whose lives they would be hurting if they were found out.

It's the world we live in. You just have to look the other way, and thank the Lord you aren't like her.

Jul 20, 2012
I agree
by: NickV

That IS pretty disrespectful not only of herself and her company too. Im sure if they found out they would probably fire her. Im sure if the cops were called they would probably arrest her. That ball is really in your court.

Honestly when I was OTR I would steer clear of any problems like that. Trouble is everywhere out on the road and its easy to find IF you want to.

Quite honestly I would probably just walk by, shake my head, and keep on goin. There are plenty of drivers out there and one will get bored and call on her. I personally wouldn't want her losing her job on my conscious and that's more than likely what will happen.

But like I said the ball is in your court. I didn't read your name before I responded to this so I don't know if your male or female but being a female I could understand where your concern is.

Unfortunately females are few and far between and when you see something like this it is quite disturbing.

Jul 20, 2012
Well sorry to say this
by: Helonwheels

We can't control what other people do, if she is only handing out her number it is not illegal. As well as consensual sex is not. On the other hand if you know she is doing this for money you can report her to the proper authorities.

In this line of work there are not just male truck driving whores, but female truck drivers are effected by this behavior as well.

Who am I trying to fool this type of behavior exists in all walks of life and we just can not be the sex police for all human kind!!

What you can do and to save yourself a whole lot of aggravation is turn your head away from other peoples bad behaviors because you have enough to deal within your own life and allowing what other people do to effect you like this can lead to some bad behaviors of your own such as resentments, aggressiveness, hatefulness, controlling behaviors as well as resistant to allow others to live their own life, then depression can set in from all this hate and who comes out winning then??

Sorry this bothers you so much but try and move on you will feel a lot better!

Helonwheels :)

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