trucking company hire

by aaron
(baltimore md usa)

am getting ready to attend 600 hour certifed ptdi cdl-a course on oct 2009 at iowa community college. am trying to get a pre hire with a school has a 4 week otr training with company that hire's me. but see i have been on ssi disability from 2007 till present for an old non work related now released from doctors have a dot medical card with no restrictions and am ready to get back to work after school and earn a living again.problem is most trucking companies want a steady work history so not sure how much this will effect me getting hired.

then my 2nd poss problem is i have 3 past misdemeanor
charges from 2000 for assualt,registered handgun on person and volation of probation again all where misdemeanor trouble before or since 2000.yes the handgun was mine and legally registered but i did not have it properly stored so was charged with it.
appreciate any advise and or suggestions.i just want a chance to drive a truck and prove myself after finishing school.this is one reason why taking a course that last 3 months instead of the usual 3-5 week courses.thought would be better for experience and for my hiring process,mostly for the experience,did not feel
comfortable taking 3-5 week course and then drive a semi truck across the usa.

again thanks to all that take time to read my post,appreciate your time

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Aug 07, 2009
Look before Leaping
by: Jennifer S

I would suggest looking around BEFORE taking on the classes. It would be a shame to get the CDL cert, and then not be able to do that for a living


Aug 07, 2009
Aaron needs advice.
by: Jimmy

Aaron, It's up to the company. 2000 is almost 10 years ago, so, that's in your favor. The medical thing shouldn't be a problem.

The bad thing about your misdemeanors is they're violence related, (gun, assault). Just be ready for a lot of rejection, but don't give up. Go for it. Jimmy

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