Truck Drivers Wife with a tough decision to make

by Angel

So I have a horrible husband and I have the chance to leave him and be on my own with our daughter. I'm not in love with him haven't been in love in years but I'm letting him stay in my life because of my daughter.

On one hand I know she needs him but on the other I don't want her growing up in a home where her parents fight all the time because that's how I grew up and its a horrible life to live. I used to go in my room close the door and blast the radio so I wouldn't have to hear them.

I want to do what is best for her but its a hard situation. For one, I'd have to get a job and let my mother pretty much raise my child while I worked to take care of her.

I'd also have to kick him out along with all his things. Also, I would have to start living my life all over again but I'm so tired of being angry all the time and hurt and being told what to do and how to do it so I'm stuck this is a big life changing decision for my daughter.

She is 4 months old I only want what is best for her.

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Sep 27, 2014
to horrible husbands most recent post NEW
by: Anonymous

Speak for yourself....maybe all the truckers you know are made up of negative people.

All the truckers I know are not. The truckers I know are serious about their jobs and anytime spent in the negative puts a higher risk of fatalities out there on our highways.

If it is in "YOUR" make up to be weak and take everything in a negative manner you are risking lives out there and "YOU" should "NOT" be on the road!

Something to think about and take a look at the statistics on why young girls date middle age men is because they are looking for a Father figure and want out of the house they are under. While you muster in your negativity on the road and became self centered you more than likely neglected your family and that is the reason for your break up. Blaming it on your child is a perfect example of your negative self centered behavior....

Sep 27, 2014
Horrible Husband...? NEW
by: Horrible Husband

Okay, this is a post that is a little old,
You said he is a horrible husband.
Is that really true, or do you just want it to be?
What kind of Father is he?
How do you feel about going it alone in raising your child or children?

I have been here.
Except I was the husband.
It turned out that my 15 year old daughter was driving the wedge between us, and it was so she could sneak out the window at night and meet with middle aged men she contacted on the internet.
If you read this, and still feel you are doing right for the child, then you do not need him, although you are right, you will get to work. And he does not need either of you worrying him to death while he tries to make a living...
Most truck drivers are negative. It is in our make-up to expect the worst possible situations, that way we stay alive to work another day.
You have some questions to ask yourself.
Important Questions...

Sep 21, 2014
Been there NEW
by: Anonymous

If your relationship is anything like mine was please know it will never get better and he will never change.

What is MOST important for your daughter is to see her mother as STRONG role model who teaches her to love herself and you can't teach her that if you don't love yourself enough to make the changes you need to make to be happy.

Don't ever settle for anything less than being happy - you deserve it and she will be much better off for it.

It took me 12 years to get out of my marriage - and I am now left with the guilt of what I took away from my children by staying unhappy for so long. I hid what I could from my children, but it still affected them greatly to see their mother cry and to see their Dad angry all the time. He was gone most the time on the road... but when he was home all I could do it watch the clock and look forward to when he headed back out again!

I wish you the best of luck - and it is easier to do this on your own than you think... I have 3 children and we didn't have much at first but it got easier... and we always had each other and more laughs and fun times than I have ever had in my life! I can't change those 12 years, but we are having a great time making up for them now!!


Sep 20, 2014
truckers wife NEW
by: angel

Thank you for your advice I appreciate it

Sep 19, 2014
please NEW
by: Anonymous

dont let history repeat itself you owe it to your daughter so she will learn and experience what a happy, content, healthy life should be....her happiness is more important then what pains and hurt you and ur hubby are experiencing now. you guys had your chance, she is the innocent, dont let her be a victim of all the chaos..or she too will fall prey to this same chaos in her life later on...js

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