Tough....very tough having a trucker boyfriend

by Kathy

Well, my boyfriend and I met online. We have been together for about 8 months. He wasn't a trucker when I met him, he got the job about 4 or 5 months into our relationship. He warned me that he would be gone for 3-4 weeks at a time but I said we can get through it.

I had no idea what I was in for. It is so hard not having him to hold me or be with me when I feel down. When I don't hear from him one night, I go crazy with worry. He usually calls every night but when he doesn't, then I begin to wonder.

I constantly have these insecurities like what if he meets someone else or what if he just forgets about me....

When he IS home, he treats me very well, always making sure I am ok. The hardest part is leaving him back at his truck and the next couple the weeks go by it seems easier.

I seem to lose my patience with him when he tells me he doesn't know when hes getting back home. I just have 2 understand its not up to him, rather his dispatcher.

I know he needed to pay bills so he took the first job that came along. I try and be as caring and supportive as I can be.

I have been looking for support groups or even to email trucker's or trucker's gfs/wives. None of my friends really understand because they are always with their boyfriends. I envy them so much. If anyone wants to give me their email or a good support site, please let me know.

Thank you to all the truck drivers out there and to their loved ones.

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Oct 14, 2015
Ended the relationship NEW
by: Anonymous

I have just broken up with my boyfriend because I know I do not want him here 2 days
/gone 5 days each week. There is no emotional support when I need it when he is gone. Am heartbroken but know I do not want this lifestyle. He is a great guy in every way but this one thing would do me in I think. Did I make the right choice?

Oct 13, 2009
Hi Kathy ;)
by: Jennifer S


Welcome to LAAT, I know what your going through is VERY difficult. Exactly like you- I met my husband online as well. He was not a driver either. If you get a chance, go to "advice for you". These have many helpful tips in how to make this as easy as possible on all involved.

It will never be "easy" but your ability to deal with it DOES GET BETTER! I miss my husband daily, and Look forward to the time that he is here with me every day, or I am in the truck with him.

You are more than welcome to contact me anytime you like.

If you are on face book- Jennifer Schnittker

My email is

Keep your chin up girlfriend. Its hard, but he sounds very attentive when he is around. I know, I Know, sometimes that makes it harder! It would be easier if he was a------- because then you would not want to be around him- I tell Keith that all the time.

Once he gets some time under his belt there will be more options available to him. Regional- or even home nightly.

Again, your more than welcome to contact me anytime, I know first hand, as do the other wives on here, what your going through!!


Oct 12, 2009
It is tough having a trucker boyfriend.
by: Kim

Hi. Im a truckers wife. We have been together 3 1/2 years and he has been driving on and off for 2 years. Its very rough. We also have two young kids. I wish I could say it gets easier but honestly it doesn't. He usually makes it home every weekend but during the week its super hard. No one will ever know what you are feeling.

It's hard on them as well though and I will always stick by him. He is out there making a living for us after takes me and him both working to make it these days. Just wanted you to know there are some out here who feel your pain! You can email me anytime you would like. There used to be a site on myspace that was great may want to check that out. Good luck to ya!

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